Foundation Engineering

Validity : 6 Months

Unit 1: Subsurface Investigations for Foundations (06 hours) Purpose and planning of subsurface exploration, methods of Investigation: trial pits, borings, depth & number of exploration holes, core recovery, RQD, core log, geophysical methods: seismic refraction and electrical resistivity method, disturbed and undisturbed sampling, types of samplers, degree of disturbance of a sampler, field tests- SPT, N value correction and significance, DCPT, SCPT and introduction of advanced testing techniques like pressure meter test, borelog, contents of sample soil investigation report.

Unit 2: Bearing Capacity (06 hours) Basic definitions, modes of shear failure, bearing capacity analysis- Terzaghi’s, Hanson’s, Meyerhof’s, Skempton’s, Vesics equations and IS code method - rectangular and circular footings, bearing capacity evaluation: plate load test and SPT, Housel’s perimeter shear concept, bearing capacity of layered soil, effect of water table on bearing capacity, effect of eccentricity, presumptive bearing capacity

Unit 3: Immediate and Consolidation Settlement (06 hours) Immediate Settlement: introduction, causes of settlement, pressure bulb, contact pressure, significant depth of foundation, allowable settlement, differential settlement - I. S. criteria, components of settlement, use of plate load test and SPT in settlement analysis and allowable soil pressure. Consolidation Settlement: introduction, spring analogy, Terzaghi’s consolidation theory, laboratory consolidation test, determination of coefficient of consolidation- square root of time fitting method 6 and logarithm of time fitting method, time factor, rate of settlement and its applications in shallow foundations, introduction of normal consolidation, over consolidation and pre consolidation pressure.

Unit 4: Pile Foundations (06 hours) Introduction: pile classification according to different criteria, pile installation - Cast in-situ, driven and bored pile, load carrying capacity of pile by static method, dynamic Methods: Engineering news formula, modified ENR formula and modified Hiley formula, pile load test and cyclic pile load test, group action: field rule, rigid block method, negative skin friction, settlement of pile group in cohesive soil by approximate method, uplift capacity of piles, micro piles.

Unit 5 Shallow foundations, Piers and Caissons (06 hours) Shallow Foundations: types and applications, location and depth of footing, principles of design of footing, steps involved in proportioning of footing, proportioning of combined footings – rectangular, trapezoidal and strap footing, raft foundation- types, bearing capacity, floating raft, design of raft foundation- conventional (rigid) method and elastic (flexible) method (only design principles and steps, no numerical). Piers and Caissons: definitions, types and uses, well foundation: components, sand island method, shapes of wells, tilts and shifts: precautionary and remedial measures, bearing capacity and depth of well foundation, forces acting on well foundations, lateral stability of well foundation – Terzaghi’s method, IRC method, ultimate soil resistance method (only numerical on lateral stability analysis, no derivation for methods)

. Unit 6: Cofferdams and Foundation on Black Cotton Soils (06 hours) Cofferdams: types and applications, contiguous pile walls, RC Diaphragm wall method. Foundation on Black Cotton Soils: characteristics of black cotton soil, swelling potential and its evaluation methods, engineering problems, swelling pressure measurement, foundations on black cotton soil: design principles, construction techniques, under reamed piles: design principles and its construction techniques, stone columns, pre loading with prefabricated vertical drains/sand drains.

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